By Olu. Ibekwe
History was made on Friday 04 November 2022 when members of the
Pan-African Parliament (PAP) unanimously adopted amendments to her Rules of
Procedure during the First Ordinary Session of the Sixth Parliament. On that
day, the Parliamentarians put aside their differences in the spirit of “One
Africa, One Voice” to adopt amendments to Parliament’s Rules of Procedure.
The 29 election 2022 of the new Bureau led by Hon. Chief Fortune
Charumbira resulted in a breadth of fresh air in the affairs of the Pan-African
Parliament. The old division along Anglophone, Francophone and the like
disappeared and was replaced with a new African spirit.
In so short a time, Pan-African Parliament’s image as a pariah
organ of the African Union (AU) changed to the extent that the
Executive Council in July 2022 following the Bureau election, welcomed the spirit
of compromise of the parliamentarians that prevailed during the elections.
The Executive Council during the 42nd Ordinary Session in February
2023 appreciated the activities implemented by the Pan-African Parliament
within a short time period in 2022, in spite of limited budgetary resources,
especially the proposed Model Law on Food and Nutrition Security, in
furtherance of the African Union theme of the Year 2022;
The Council welcomed the institutionalization of collaboration
between the PAP and other AU organs, such as the African Union Commission,
NEPAD, APRM, PRC and the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, which
will enable policy coherence, rationalization of resources and effective
complementarity within the African Union institutional architecture.
It went on to request the Pan-African Parliament to work closely
with National and Regional Parliaments to expedite the harmonization of
national legislative and policy frameworks to create an enabling environment
for the realization of the African free trade and free movement of persons, in
line with the African Union 2023 Theme of the Year.
And to ensure the availability of resources to execute the above
mandate, the Executive Council then directed the PRC, though the relevant
Sub-Committee to reconsider the 2023 budget of the PAP in order to enable the
Parliament to meet its institutional and operational needs and to effectively
fulfill its mandate. They were to report on progress on the implementation of
this Decision in July 2022.
Unfortunately, those who were responsible for the implementation
of the above Executive Council directive to review the budget of PAP, for
reasons best known to them, failed to do so and consequently, did not submit
any progress report at the last Council meeting in July 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya.
This is why PAP could not hold the August 2023 Committee Session and the
October session is hanging in the balance.
Instead of members working together to seek solution to the
funding challenge, those who lost in the last June 2022 saw it as an
opportunity to, without any shred of evidence, accuse the President of
misappropriation of non-existent $1.2 million. It is the ambition of those that
lost election in 2022 that is being used to challenge the Amended Rules of
Procedure of PAP. The claim that the Rules violated certain provisions of the
Protocol to the Treaty Establishing The African Economic Community Relating to
the Pan-African Parliament (PAP Protocol) is just a smokescreen.
The record of proceedings showed that none of the parliamentarians
rose to oppose adoption of any of the proposed amendments or even expressed any
reservations about the process which by their admissions on 04 November 2023
was participatory.
Fortunately, parliaments routinely maintain record of proceedings
and PAP is no exception. In those records, lies the truth.
Was the process
On 18 May 2017, more than six years ago, the Pan African
Parliament adopted Resolution No. PAP.
4/PLN/RES/08/MAY.17, by which the Parliament resolved that the Rules of
Procedure of PAP be amended in accordance with Rule 93 and more particularly
then to incorporate the principle of rotation of the Presidency of the Pan-African
Parliament. By that resolution, the Parliament expressed a desire to thoroughly
update and review the Rules of Procedure in order to ensure that they are fully
reflective of the evolution and the evolving needs of the Pan-African
There was also the need to institutionalize relevant Plenary
Resolutions of the Parliament and integrate the various decisions of the
Executive Council and decisions of the African Union (AU) Policy Organs into
PAP’s internal procedures and practices. These include Executive Council
Decisions EX.CL/Dec.979(XXXI)
adopted in June 2017 (called upon the Pan-African Parliament, “to apply the
African Union values, rules, and regulations in managing all activities of the
organ, including rotation of the Bureau and presidency...”), EX.CL/Dec.1018(XXXII) adopted in June
2018 (where it requested, “the PAP to comply with the principle of geographical
rotation among the five regions of the Africa in future elections of the
Bureau”; and Doc. (EX.CL/1294XXXIX)
of October 2021, (directing that the
elections should be in line with the principle of rotation and only regions
that have not previously held the position are eligible to present candidates
for election of the PAP President through their Regional Caucuses), EX.CL/Dec.1174(XLI) of July 2022
(directing PAP to apply the rotation formula outlined in the Modalities for
Election of Bureau Members of the Sixth Pan African Parliament in all future
elections of the Bureau and directing the Office of the Legal Counsel, in close
collaboration with the Secretariat of the PAP, to urgently review the Rules of
Procedure of the PAP to ensure alignment with African Union values, rules, and
regulations as well as established practices of the Union including the
principle of geographical rotation). These decisions incorporated the principle
of the Assembly Decision, identified as Assembly/AU/757(XXXIII)
of February 2020 that directed the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) to examine and
align legal instruments and Rules of Procedure of AU Organs and request OLC to
review the Rules of Procedure of the Pan-African Parliament and report back to
the Executive Council. These seminal decisions, resolutions and assembly
decisions underscore the imperative of embarking the review exercise.
It should also be recognized that parliamentary institutions all
across the globe periodically undergo a process of institutional readjustment
of its internal structures, practices and ideologies where it seeks to identify
gaps and weaknesses with the objective to implement institutional and
structural reform, and transform existing legal frameworks, in order to ensure
that they are responsive, and representative of their foundational visions and
Therefore the rules amendment process embarked upon by the Parliament
which culminated in the adoption on 04 November 2022, in addition to
incorporating the above decisions of the policy organs of the AU into the
Rules, also presented the Parliament with a unique and strategic opportunity to
revitalize the fabric of PAP and reposition it for effective parliamentary
The amendment process not only ensured that PAP remains formidable
in the effective exercise of its parliamentary responsibilities, it also
ensured that the Rules of Procedure conforms more profoundly to evolving global
realities and international best practices.
It would be recalled that the Parliament in August 2022, held a
three-day strategic reorientation workshop for members of the Parliament on the
theme “Reviving, Renewing, Repositioning and Reinvigorating the Pan African
Parliament”. In his keynote address at that workshop, President of the
Parliament, H. E. Hon. Chief Fortune
Charumbira stated:
“As your President, I will be remiss if I fail to express the
sorrow that I feel at each moment that I recall or reflect on the June 2021
pre-election hostilities, divisions and pockets of resistance to the
enforcement of the ideals of geographical rotation at the Parliament. “
“I acknowledge that while these conducts manifestly exposed the
ill-intentions of a minority of our members who were intent on derailing the
election session with the hope of destabilizing the Pan African Parliament, I
recognize and acknowledge that it is profoundly more symptomatic of a larger
continental problem precipitated by colonial divisions of language and
“This underscores the imperative of this workshop and the need to
institutionalize our shared values of establishing within the continent a
formidable mechanism for democracy which will also serve as bedrock for
political resilience against the linguistic and religious artificial barriers
that have long been manipulated to cause political rift amongst us.”
“It is evident from these events, that the Pan-African Parliament
will require an enhanced institutional architecture and a re-alignment of our
institutional priorities. I am confident that this workshop will accelerate the
Bureau’s resolute determination to foster a unity of purpose in the discharge
of our mandate and to ensure that our Parliamentarians are substantially
capacitated to respond to this and many other contemporary challenges and
imperatives confronting Africa.”
“Undeniably, these issues affect the image of PAP and how it is
perceived by the public. It is our responsibility to ensure that our reputation
remains spectacularly beyond reproach. I am delighted that in this workshop, a
great deal of attention will be devoted to strategic framework for rebranding
the Pan African Parliament and repositioning it in the continental governance
It was during this August 2022 workshop that members of the
Parliament unanimously identified the amendment of the Rules of Procedure as a
key priority area that must be undertaken in the quest to revive, renew,
reposition, and refocus PAP.
As part of facilitating the process, the five (5) Regional
Caucuses were availed with a Report of a workshop of the Committee of Rules,
Privileges and Discipline held from the 5th to the 06th of September 2022 as
well as Gap Analysis and the Report of the Committee on Rules, Privileges and
Discipline on identified gaps. After considering these reports and other
potential areas of amendments, Regional Caucuses presented their reports in a
Plenary held on 26 October 2022. As agreed in Plenary, a document on colour
coding of all the areas of agreements and disagreements was prepared. The
document tracked and consolidated interventions by Members through their
Regional Caucuses. After a preliminary consideration of the synthesized report
by the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline on 01 November 2022, a
meeting was convened between the Bureau, the Chairpersons of the Regional
Caucuses and the Chairperson of the Committee on Rules, Privileges and
Discipline to further harmonize the areas of divergence by the Regional
Caucuses. Members were assisted in the process by a team of legal experts with
affiliations in various capacities at national parliaments,
supra-national-parliaments and other legislative institutions across the
continent. A representative from the AU
Office of the Legal Counsel was also present (emphasis added).
It is important to note that in the course of these deliberations,
the entire Rules of Procedure consisting of 94 provisions were considered by
all relevant stakeholders including the Regional Caucuses. From the analysis, a
consensus was reached between all the Regional Caucuses on eighty two (82) of
the ninety four (94) Rules of Procedure. This translated to an agreement rate
of 87%. There were minor differences on seven (7) Rules of Procedure. There
were nine (9) material differences which translated to 9.5%. This prompted
further meetings of the Regional Caucuses to try to reconcile the differences.
A meeting of the Committee of Rules, Privileges and Discipline was also
convened to receive a report of the positions of various Regional Caucuses in
respect of the various areas of disagreement. This was then followed by a meeting
between the Bureau, the Chairpersons of the Regional Caucuses and the
Chairperson of the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline to further
harmonize the areas of divergence by the Regional Caucuses in their represented
capacity for the regions. After further meetings by the Regional Caucuses,
reconsiderations of initial positions were made and there emerged a consensus
by all the Regional Caucuses on the broad principles to amend the Rules in a
spirit of collegiality.
In the course of their respective Regional Caucus deliberations,
members noted that there are different constitutional parliamentary practices
and arrangements in Member States in relation to dissolution arising out of
electoral processes. In some jurisdictions, Parliaments are dissolved three (3)
months prior to elections and in other jurisdictions, dissolution do not occur.
In other instances, Parliamentarians retain their competencies until another
Parliamentarian elected in their place is sworn in. This created conflicting circumstances
with potential conflicting interpretation as to when a Parliamentarian ceases
to be a Member of Parliament. It became
imperative for institutional stability and continuity for the Pan-African
Parliament to define certain concepts that underlie status, tenure and mandate
of Members which is currently missing in the Rules of Procedure. This will not
only avoid disruptions in the status of Members, it will also give practical
application to those provisions in the Protocol and the Rules of Procedure that
relate to the Status of Members of Parliament. The relevant provisions are
encompassed in Article 12(8) of the Protocol and Rule 8(1) of the Rules of
Procedure. To give practical effect to
the principles reflected in this governing instrument and particularly to the
Protocol as it relates to tenure and mandate of members, there arose a need to
provide definitions to key areas such as: “ceases to be a member” as provided
in Rule 8 (1) (e) of the rules of procedure and Article 12 (8) (e) of the Protocol
as well as the definition of the term “Vacancy” as contemplated in the
provisions of Rule 8 (5) and other relevant areas of the rules of procedure.
Accordingly, the following recommended definitions were provided to the
Regional Caucuses and was accepted:
“Ceases to be a
arises when notification is received by Parliament from the National Parliament
or other deliberative organ that a Member has not been re-elected or
re-designated to the Parliament following elections in a Member State or as prescribed by Rule 8(1) of the Rules
of Procedure.
means a Member who has been re-elected or re-designated by a National
Parliament or other deliberative organ of the Member State;
“Vacancy” occurs when a Member has not been
re-elected or re-designated by the National Parliament or other deliberative
organ of a Member State to the Parliament
or as prescribed by Rule 8(1) of the Rules of Procedure.
In adopting the definition of “ceases to be a member” and
“vacancy” it was noted that when national parliaments are dissolved,
parliamentarians still retained their competences and continue to receive their
salaries till replacements are elected and sworn in. It is only when
replacements are elected and sworn that old member loses his or her seat.
Also, Rule 6.5 which was not amended, states that: "Where the
National Parliament or any other deliberative organ of a Member State notifies
the Clerk that the status of the elected or designated Member has become
incompatible with membership of Parliament, the Clerk shall notify the Bureau
and the President shall declare before the House that the membership of the
person has been terminated.” This confirms that it is the National Parliament
of the Member State which designates the country delegation that should
communicate to Clerk of PAP before vacancy can be declared. So the new
definitions merely amplified what is already in the Rules of Procedure.
The Five Regional Caucuses of the Pan-African Parliament met
during the week ending 28 October 2022 to consider the additional proposed
amendments to the Rules of Procedure relating to the composition of the
Permanent Committees of the Pan African Parliament. From the submissions by the Regional Caucuses
relating to Rule 22 of the Rules of Procedure, there was agreement that the
number of permanent committees should be increased from the current eleven (11)
to fifteen (15).
The Parliament convened in plenary on Friday 04 November 2022 to
pass the amendments to the Rules of Procedure and I will now reproduce
verbatim, the various contributions by members that led to the adoption of an
Amended Rules of Procedure.
It is therefore evident from the above and the record of
Proceedings that the process that culminated in the adoption of the Amended was
not hurried but consultative and deliberative as decentralizing it to the
Regional Caucuses gave the opportunity for meaningful participation by all the
parliamentarians. Additionally, the amendment of the rules was mandated by the
policy organs of the AU.
Record of proceedings of 04 November 2022
A review of the Record of Proceedings of the 04 November 2022 when
the Amended Rules of Procedure was adopted shows clearly that no
Parliamentarian objected to the adoption of the Rules. The process began with a
speech by Hon. Mohammed-Mubarak Muntaka (Ghana):
“Mr. President, permit me
to suggest that because the Rules were subjected to our various caucuses, and
we had the opportunity to add our inputs, which the Chair of the Rules has
indicated as those that have been accepted and those that have not been
accepted. If you try and open it to open comments, we may spend the whole day
going back and forth.
I would want to suggest further that we have the regional caucus
leaders that have led us through this. If we can hear them (the five)
confirming what the Rules Chair said at an agreed point, then we can only be
talking about where there is no complete agreement and that way, we will be
narrowing the discussions to where there is disagreement and possibly see the
argument others will bring on board. If we open the whole Rules to discussion,
we never be able to get the head or tail. So, my suggestion is that if the
House agrees let’s hear the five regional leaders. [Applause]
If we agree, then we concentrate. Thank you very much Mr.
Following the unanimous adoption of this motion, the Chairpersons
of the five Regional Caucuses were invited to publicly state the positions of
the Caucuses, beginning with the Chairperson of the Southern Africa Caucus, Hon. Pemmy Castelina Pamela Majodina (Ms.):
“Thank you very much, Mr President, for the appreciation. Thank
you, the Vice Presidents, Hon. Members of this august House and my regional
Mr President, as Southern Africa, we rise here with our shoulders
very high in appreciating the breakthrough with the peace talks in Ethiopia
that were signed yesterday. (Applause)
The Southern Regional Caucus welcomes and accepts processes that
we have collectively undertaken as an august House to amend our Rules of
Procedures. It was during our committee sitting in August this year 2022, when
we did our self-introspection and came to the conclusion that Pan-African
Parliament was still far from where it is supposed to be compared to other
continental parliaments. In fact, we are even lagging behind other regional
parliaments in our continent, such as ECOWAS and the East Africa Legislative
Assembly (EALA). This situation is an anomaly, as it should be the other way
round. The Pan-African Parliament as the Continental Parliament and the
Legislative Organ of the AU should be a source of knowledge and a fountain from
which the regional parliament bodies drink.
In fact, this regional parliament bodies and national parliaments
should undertake study tours to come and learn good practices from this organ
of the AU.
Unfortunately, despite 18 years of existence as PAP, we are not
yet at the level where we inspire confidence to other continental bodies to
learn from us.
Mr President, to put it bluntly, we have been regressing for
years. We must seize this good, glorious opportunities to go back to where we
belong. Let us take our rightful place to avoid being harshly judged by
It is on this basis of this self-introspection, honestly, and an
in-depth analysis that during our committee sittings in August this year, we
held a strategic re-orientation workshop for Members of the Pan-African
Parliament under the theme: “Reviving, Renewing, Repositioning, Re-invigorating
the Pan-African Parliament”.
It is during this workshop that we unanimously identified the
amendment of our Rules of Procedure as a key priority area that we must
undertake in our quest to revive, renew, reposition, and refocus PAP.
On this basis, consensus has been reached by us, as Regional
Chairpersons and we are quite aware that it is not about us, but we want to
live a very positive legacy for those who are going to succeed us in this PAP.
It is our time to ensure that we swallow our pride and put Africa as a
continent in the priority.
As the Regional Caucuses Chairpersons, we have been given a fair
opportunity since our arrival in this Session to meet with members of our
caucuses to discuss and make inputs. We have reached consensus because it was
good for us to do that. We had to be politically matured and politically tolerant
of one another and be acceptive of one another.
Mr President, based on the above, we the Southern Regional Caucus
support the proposed amendment of PAP Rules of Procedures because we were
consulted. We were given opportunity to make our input. We believe the process
was fair, transparent and extremely consultative.
In conclusion, You Excellency, Mr President, the Vice Presidents
and Hon. Members, it is, after all, within the ambit of Parliament to make its
own rules. We have a right as this PAP to come up with our own rules. We,
therefore, submit as the Southern Region that we are unanimous in agreeing with
the amendments as per the Report that was tabled here.
Thank you, very much.(Applause)
Hon. Alhagie Mbow
(Chairperson Of Western Africa Caucus):
“Thank you very much, Mr President. I salute all the Members that
are here today, particularly the Vice Presidents.
I am here on behalf of the West African Caucus to confirm that the
Report that was laid by the Chairperson of the Rules Committee is factual, and
we are in agreement.
Mr President, I think this has demonstrated that we are building
an institution. To build any institution, I think it is important that we show
maturity, professionalism and above all, team spirit. These amendments we have
done, today, have shown just that.
We are here from different countries and it is important that we
owe it to the African Continent to ensure that we work together if we want to
move into the future. We do not have any option but to work together as
Mr President, this is an all-inclusive consultation. Let’s remember
that these rules came from the Caucuses and not from the Rules Committee. The
Rules Committee just arranged and managed the entire process but every single
rule, from Rule 1, all the way to Rule 94 came from the regional caucuses and
we are very grateful. (Applause)
We are grateful because of the togetherness, and we are also
grateful for the support that is given by the President and the Vice Presidents
to ensure that we are going to make history today. We are going to make history
because we have attempted several times to change the Rules, but it has not
worked. Today, with the Leadership we have, I think they have given us the
right support in order for us to work together as one people and one Africa.
We have also seen that the issues that divide us are limited and
we should concentrate on the areas that put us together as one Continent and
one Nation. We have seen that we are not talking anything about Francophone,
Anglophone, Arabophone or Lusophone. What we need to be talking about is Africa
as one people with one voice. I urge all of us, today, to ensure that we pass
these amendments.
Mr President, finally, I want to take this opportunity to thank
the West African Caucus for the trust they have in me to ensure that I work
with my colleagues to arrive at these conclusions.
Thank you very much. (Applause)
Hon. Terrence
Mondon (Chairperson Of Eastern Africa Caucus):
“Mr. President, Vice-Presidents and Hon. Members, I would like to
confirm as well that the proposed amendments reflect a true picture of what we
discussed and agreed upon at the Regional Caucus level to the Chairperson of
Caucuses meeting. I would like to really appreciate the involvement of Hon.
Members in this exercise. It is the participatory approach which provide the sense
of belonging. It is our rules, and we are pleased for the opportunity to
participate fully in the exercise. It is not perfect, of course, and it
reflects the views of the majority members of the same caucus. The provisions
also reflect the new working environment and guiding tools for the
transformation of our institution. The principles of equal opportunity and
participation are well provided for in the proposed amendments and it is in
line with our Constitutive Act as well as the Protocol on the Treaties
establishing the economic community relating to the Pan-African Parliament.
The rules are clearer, and they will help Hon. Members to work
better in the future. I really appreciate the team spirit which was manifested
throughout the process and must be commended. From the discussions at caucus
level to our discussions at the Chairpersons of Caucuses level, the spirit of
teamwork was exhibited. We moved from divergent views to almost 100 per cent
agreements, therefore we have done a very good job and we have progressed. The
only provision where we slightly differ is the mandate of the committees. In
our views as the Eastern Caucus, the mandates of the Committees on Gender and
Family, Youths and Sport and People with Disability are heavy. We are, therefore,
proposing that the Committee on Youth and Sports should be added to the
Committee on Health should add sport and youth to its committee. We also agreed
on fifteen committees as that will give equal positions in the committees for
all regions, and it will help in more effective delivery.”
Hon. Azzedine
Abdelmajid (Chairperson Of The North Africa Regional
Caucus) (Translated from French):
“Good day Mr. President, Good day my dear colleagues;With regard
to the work that has been done by the North Africa Caucus, we have, as I said
here, divided it into two parts. There was a “methodology” part, a kind of
“preamble” where were discussedthe conceptual lighting, the philosophy of Rules
of Procedures, what areRules of procedures, their role.
The Rules of Procedures, as we discussed at the level of our
Caucus, are a living mechanism. It is not a neutral mechanism. So, it was first
necessary to discuss the principles that guide action to arrive at Rules of
Procedures linked to consensus. The second part was that of the proposals
concerning the insufficiencies, also the contradictions, the omissions and
therefore, we started article by article. The debate was very rich between us.
Very remarkable proposals have been made. Thus, we have already reached a
consensus at the level of our Caucus. The second work that was done, that is to
say our contribution, was at the level of the meeting of the Caucus
Chairpersons with the members of the Bureau and the President. It was intense.
We were subjected to an infernal pace. We were summoned, sometimes
for ten minutes and we stayed for three hours. But, it was very enriching and
it had to be done, it was done. So, we reached a consensus across the entire
Caucus. And the last consensus took place just now when everything was done. Therefore,
I will not repeat what was said by my colleagues. I am simply saying that we
agree on the work that has been done, on the results, on the Rules of Procedure
which have just been completed. There you have it, Mr. President, we are in
complete agreement.” [Applause in the room]
Hon. Jaynet
Kabila [Chairperson Of The Central Africa Regional
Caucus] (Translated from French):
“Honorable President, Honorable Vice-Presidents. I would like,
first of all, to thank you for your availability in this exercise that we have
just completed today. I also thank the Secretary General, Gali Massa Harou, who
also accompanied us. I would specifically like to thank each Caucus Chair:
- the Honorable Terrence Mondon of the East Africa Caucus,
- the Honorable Azzeddine Abdelmadjid of the North Africa Caucus,
- the Honorable Pemmy Pamela Majodina of the Southern Africa
- and the Honorable Alhagie Mbow from the West Africa Caucus.
Because we worked well
collaboratively, which allowed us to reach consensus, I would like to sincerely
thank the members of my Central Africa Regional Caucus for their diligent
presence each time we have had meetings of our Caucus, and why not for their
sense of responsibility. This is what allowed us to reach a consensus, because
there were, of course, differences, but because we work for Africa and we talk
about ʺOne
Africa, One Voiceʺ. I would also like to thank them because I think that has been
said by almost all the caucus chairs who have gone before me. I would also like
to thank our experts who guided and assisted us in the elaboration of the draft
document on the Rules of Procedure that you have at your disposal. I think
everyone received it. What can we say? We presented our report here.
Before, we worked in the caucuses with the other presidents. We
have reached an agreement and I would like to reassure you that we have reached
an agreement on the basis of what is provided for in the Protocol in force and
also in the Rules of Procedure, that is to say that we have not gone beyond what
is provided for in the fundamental texts which govern our Institution. Also, I
would like to say that there are a few points that remain and which mainly
concern Committees. We agreed on the main points. You know, long before it was
submitted to us. What remains is the composition, restructuring or
reconfiguration of the Committees. There, we agreed that we will also work
together to achieve fifteen permanent Committees. Finally, I would like to say
yes that the Central Africa Caucus agrees with the report that our Chairman of
the Standing Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline presented here. If
there are other things apart from that, we accepted at the meeting this
morning, that we will agree on that. But for most of the main issues, we have agreed
and there is no problem. We accept this report and I say so on behalf of the
Central Africa Regional Caucus. Thank you.” (Applause).
CAUCUS)(Translated from Arabic):
“Thank you Mr President for giving me the floor
I believe that the Chairpersons of the regional Caucuses have
explained to us how were the consultations and the debates. Since we arrived to
the Pan-African Parliament, many meetings were held regarding the Rules of
Procedures and we all took part in them and all the remarks and observations
expressed by MPs were taken into account. Therefore and from what was explained
by the Chairpersons of regional Caucuses, I request from all the MPs to adopt
these Rules of Procedures which are in the interest of all the Parliamentarians
and in the interest of Africa. I thank you;
As a result of
the submissions made by the Chairpersons of the five Regional Caucuses, Hon. Mohammed-Mubarak Muntaka (Ghana) then
moved a motion for the adoption of the Rules:
“Thank you Mr.
President. Having heard from our regional caucuses who have represented us and
given us an opportunity in our caucuses to go through all the items and have
agreed with the rules as read; I beg to move the Motion that these amended
rules be adopted as a true reflection of all the amendments that all of us
sitting here in the Chamber, have agreed to.” (Applause)
Hon. Dr Mathole Motshekga (South Africa) seconded the motion by Hon. Muntaka :
“Mr. President,
with all due respect, in seconding Hon.
Muntaka, I want to say that history has been made today because the manner
in which this process was managed confirmed the African approach of consensual
rather than adversarial politics. (Applause)
I want to propose
that in future, we must move away from the Western approach of saying that we
put everything to vote and we engage until we reach consensus as we did today.
Congratulations, Mr President, on having guided us in that direction and
congratulations also to the chairpersons of the caucuses on ensuring that their
members participate, and that the standing committees, as well, take cues from
their caucuses. That is African participatory democracy. We must internalize it
and take it into the future.”
Hon. Thembekile Richard Majola (Chairperson,
Committee On Rules, Privileges And Discipline) was then invited by the President to
move the motion for the adoption of the amended rules, seconded by Hon. Paulin Gbenou [Benin].
It is therefore
regrettable that a few of the PAP members who were part and parcel of the
amendment process and participated in the deliberations in their various
caucuses as well the plenary session where the amendments were adopted, are now
raising issues about the amended rules due to political considerations and
exigencies. The urge to create a vacancy for another round of contestations,
will adversely affect the image of PAP as an unstable institution more so, at a
time that when the African Union has been invited to be a member of the G-20.
The allegation
that some provisions were altered after passage does not hold water because
every member on 04 November 2022 had a copy of the amended rule. That was why Hon. Muntaka in his motion, said “I beg
to move the Motion that these amended rules be adopted as a true reflection of
all the amendments that all of us sitting here in the Chamber,
have agreed to.” Noteworthy also is the fact that the Chair of the
Committee on Rules, Privileges, Ethics and Discipline, Hon. Majola, in moving his motion, acknowledged the assistance of
a representative from the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) who was also seated in
chambers and had her copy of the amended rules. Equally important is the fact
that after the amended rules were translated into the five AU languages, and
copies sent to the OLC.
The involvement
of the OLC was to ensure that the decisions of the policy organs of the AU on
the issue of rotation, were incorporated into the Rules and since no adverse
report was received from the OLC after more than seven (7) months, it will
therefore be reasonable to conclude that there were no objectionable provisions
in the amended rules.
In any case, if
any member feels that there are provisions that need to be further reviewed,
there are robust provisions in Rules 92 and 93 on how to go about them. But to
see the rule from the perspective of actualizing a narrow political interest
and hold the hold parliament to ransom leaves much to be desired especially in
this era of unconstitutional changes of governments in Africa. PAP must not be
allowed to slip into crisis and risk being shut down again.
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