PAP to develop Model Law on universal access to internet and combating of cyber security - AFRICAN PARLIAMENTARY NEWS



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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

PAP to develop Model Law on universal access to internet and combating of cyber security

The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) has in recognition of Africa's challenges towards universal access to internet and cyber security vulnerabilities, resolved to develop a Model for use by African Union (AU) Member States when enacting their own domestic legislation.

This was the outcome of a report by the Permanent Committee on Transport, Industry, Communications, Energy, Science and Technology on access to information and digital rights.

Presenting the report on behalf of the Committee’s Chairperson, Hon. Behdja Lammali, the Rapporteur, Hon. Ashinie Astin Titoyik highlighted various issues with regards to the Internet Governance Forum Parliamentary track that brings together Parliamentarians in discussing internet governance. "We recommend that we organize a workshop to review the Malabo Convention so as to identify gaps which need to be addressed in that Convention. This will include presentations on the ongoing development of a Model Cyber Security Law," said Hon. Ashinie Astin Titoyik.

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