By Prof. Chukwuma Charles
Soludo, CFR*
This piece summarizes
my contribution to an African debate. From Johannesburg to Lagos, Cairo to
Dakar, Kinshasa to Kigali, Nairobi to Accra, etc the debate on how Africa
should respond to the global coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is raging. At an
African regional policy platform, I had expressed some of these (personal)
views some weeks ago but have been encouraged by most members to circulate them
in Africa beyond the platform.
This year 2020 begins
a new decade that promises to be one of dreadful disruptions, with Africa
holding the weakest end of the stick. In 2008/09, the global “great recession”
was triggered by financial crisis in the US (world’s largest economy). Then,
much of Africa was said to be decoupled from the crisis and muddled through without
severe devastation of its economies. This year, a global health pandemic that
has paused the global economy and certain to rail-road it into synchronized
recession (if not depression) was triggered by the second largest economy,
China. Unlike before, multilateralism and global coordination framework are at
their weakest. National (local) self-defence is the rule. As before, the rich
world with its generous welfare system and huge financial war chest, is taking
care of itself (the US alone has US$2.2 trillion stimulus package). Africa is
left to its fate.
Covid-19 caught the
world totally unprepared, and with no proven and available medical response.
Ad-hoc cocktails and learning-by-doing constitute the strategic package. In
most western countries, the cocktail of response has included a coterie of
defensive measures including: border closure; prepare isolation centres and
mobilize medical personnel/facilities; implement “stay at home” orders or
lockdowns except for food, medicine and essential services; campaign for basic
hygiene and social distancing; arrange welfare packages for the vulnerable; and
also economic stimulus packages to mitigate the effects on the macro
Many African countries
have largely copied the above template, to varying degrees. Piece-meal
extensions of “stay at home” or lockdown orders as in many western countries
have also been copied in Africa. But the question is: can Africa really afford
lockdowns, and can they be effective? Put differently, given the social and economic
circumstances of Africa and the impending ‘economic pandemic’, can Africa
successfully and sustainably defeat Covid-19 by copying the conventional
trial-and-error template of the western nations? In confusion and desperation,
the world seemed to be throwing any and everything at the pandemic. Recall
President Trump’s assertion that hydroxychloroquine “might help”? The evidence
so far (from limited sample) is that it probably actually worsens the disease.
The trial and error have left huge human toll and economic ruins, and there is
still no solution.
Let us be clear: no
one can blame African policymakers for the initial panicky copy and paste
response some weeks ago. No public officer wanted to be blamed for doing
nothing or not doing what others were doing. After these initial pilot schemes,
it is now time to ask the deep question: Is this the right approach for
All lives matter and
African governments must do everything to protect or save every life from the
pandemic. The challenge is how. Africa faces two unsavoury options: the
conventional template, including lockdowns versus heterodox (creative local)
approaches without lockdowns. Both have risks and potential benefits. Sadly,
people will still get the disease and die under both approaches. People will
differ on the choice, depending on what is on their decision matrix: data,
resources, subjective preferences, and interests, etc. I focus on which option
(on a net basis) is achievable in the short to medium term, consistent with our
social and economic realities.
Our thesis is that
lockdowns in Africa suffer time-inconsistency problem without a credible exit
strategy; is unaffordable and could potentially worsen the twin pandemic—health
and economic—in Africa. We call for Africa to press the reset button now,
mainstream its collective, simple, smart learning-by-doing solutions that
could, in the end, be the African solutions for export to the world. Covid-19
won’t be the end of techno-economic disruptions or health pandemics even in
this decade: this is an opportunity to think without the box—to engender
greater self-confidence in our capacity to think through our problems, with
authentic sustainable solutions.
Let me illustrate why
I believe that a strategy that includes lockdowns/border closure is the worse
of the two options given our social and economic realities. (Recall that China
isolated Wuhan, and kept Shanghai, Beijing, and other major economic engines
open, and today, China supplies the world with medical equipment, face masks, etc
and raking-in hundreds of billions of dollars). The idea of a lockdown (and
border closure) implies that you will continue to do so (with extensions) until
such a time that you are satisfied that the spread of Covid-19 has been
arrested or on the decline (with the possibility of imposing another round of
lockdown if new infections surge). That is the catch: lockdown for as long as
required to stem the spread. The length of time required for such lockdowns to
ensure “effectiveness” in arresting the spread would make it near impossible in
much of Africa. If the strategy is to lockdown until infections
stop/significantly decline or so, then we would have a suicidal indefinite
waiting game.
First, monitoring the
spread requires effective testing, and Africa cannot afford effective testing
of its 1.3 billion people. New York State, with a population of 20 million and
a budget of $175 billion, is pleading with the US Federal Government to assist
with testing kits and facilities. Check out the number of testing centres and
facilities in each African country relative to their populations. A joke in the
social media narrated that the health minister of Burundi was asked to explain
the miracle in his country whereby the number of infections was reported as
zero. His response was: “it is simple: we don’t have any testing kits”.
Besides, there is stigma associated with the infection, and on the average
Africans only go to the hospital as the last resort. There are also
asymptomatic cases, and only the critically ill ones will report. So, there
will always be massive under-testing, and gross under reporting.
Furthermore, social
distancing in most parts of Africa will remain impractical. From the shanties
in South Africa’s townships to the crowded Ajengule or Mararaba in
Abuja/Nasarawa, or Cairo or Kinshasa to the villages and poor neighbourhoods in
much of Africa, social clustering, not distancing, is the affordable,
survivalist culture. Communal living is not just about culture, it is a matter
of economic survival. Hence, the statistics on infections will be coming in
fits and stats: shall we be locking down and unlocking with each episode of
surge as there may probably be several such episodes (unless and until a cure
is found)? Even with over four weeks of “stay at home” or lockdowns in some
African countries, the reported daily infections continue to rise. Some may
argue the counterfactual that without the initial lockdowns, the number of
infections could have been multiples. It is a reasonable conjecture or
anecdote, albeit without any proof. The question is the end game for a poor
society such as Africa? New infections have re-emerged in Wuhan, and both
Singapore and South Korea are going back to the drawing board. Since we cannot
sustain lockdowns indefinitely or even until the spread stops/declines, it
means that we would sooner or later remove the restrictions. What happens then?
There would still be infections, which can still spread anyway. Why not then
adopt sustainable solutions early enough without weeks of avoidable waste and
hardship? Let us think this through!
Next, African states
cannot pay for lockdowns. Many countries depend on budget support from
bilateral and multilateral donors, and with acute balance of payments problems.
They do not even have leg rooms to simply print money. Most are now begging for
debt relief and applying for urgent loans from the IMF and the World Bank. In
Africa, both the governments and the people are begging for “palliatives”. The
most that African states and their private charities can do is “photo
charity”—with much fanfare, drop a few currency notes or grains here and there
for some thousands when millions are in desperate need, just to be seen to have
“done something”. At a fundamental level, most African states do not have
credible demographic data to identify and target the most vulnerable. In the
western societies from where we copied the lockdown/border closure, their
citizens are literally paid to stay at home (by silently dropping monies into
their accounts plus other incentives). Check out the trillions of dollars,
Euros, and pounds in support to the vulnerable and stimulus packages. Despite
these, check out the restiveness/protests in several of these countries and the
unrelenting pressure to eliminate the restrictions (even in countries where
thousands are dying each day due to Covid-19). Given that no government in
Africa can seriously pay for lockdowns, over one billion Africans are left to
survive if they can or perish if they must.
Without government
support, no more than 5% of Africa’s 1.3 billion people can possibly survive
any prolonged lockdown on their own finances. Most of the others have no assets
or savings to live on for any prolonged period, and there is no social
insurance (welfare system). Without the pandemic, the African economic space is
already in dire straits, with unacceptable unemployment rate (especially youth
unemployment) as well as endemic poverty. In 2007, I evaluated the structure of
deposits in Nigerian banks and found that only 8% of the bank accounts had
balances of N300,000 (over $2,500 then) and above, and these accounted for 95%
of the total deposits. The remaining 92% of bank accounts had 5% of total
deposits. I understand that a recent study showed that only 2% of bank accounts
had N500,000 (about $1,300) and above. Also imagine the dependency burden on
this 2%. The dearth of infrastructure (basic electricity is deficient) makes
compulsion to stay at home hellish for most people. We have lockdowns in Africa
but without pausing several pressures for private expenditures on the people:
monthly house rents; banks’ interest payments for micro, small and medium
enterprises (MSMEs), electricity charges, etc.
With some 80% of
Africa’s population living from hand to mouth on daily toil and hassle,
complete lockdown would never be total, almost impossible in our social
settings. In most cases, the orders simply create opportunities for extortion
for the security agencies: those who pay, move about! Attempts to force
everyone into a lockdown for extended period may indeed be enforcing a
hunger/stress-induced mass genocide. More people could, consequently, be dying
out of hunger and other diseases than the actual Covid-19. In normal times,
thousands die every day in Africa due to other illnesses and communicable
diseases—cholera, malaria, lassa fever, lower respiratory infections, diarrhoeal
diseases, tuberculosis, heart diseases, stroke, HIV/AIDS, yellow fever, zika
virus, measles, hepatitis, typhoid, small pox, Ebola, Rift valley fever, monkey
pox, chikungunya virus, pregnancy and child-birth related deaths, renal
failure; pneumonia, etc.
Lockdowns worsen these
as many of the victims of these now have little or no cash to attend to
themselves. Soon the pharmacy shops will run out of imported drugs. Even local
pharmaceutical manufacturing firms need imported inputs but cannot efficiently
source them under lockdowns/border closure (even more so with restrictions in
China and India). Soon local, adulterated ones may fill the gap. A summary
point is that the millions of persons in the street, who are struggling between
life and death each day with numerous other challenges do not, and will never,
understand why so much additional hardship is being foisted upon them because
of the novel coronavirus. For most of them (wrongly though), it is an elite
problem since for them, the “hunger/other disease virus is more dangerous than
corona virus”. The hungry and desperate millions may be forced to take
desperate actions to survive, and little surprise that crime has spiked in
several African countries with lockdowns.
What many do not seem
to appreciate is that African economies are facing their worst economic
condition in decades. Commodity prices have fallen dramatically, and for oil
producers, the situation is precarious. IMF predicts that aggregate Africa will
fall into a recession this year (the first in over two decades) but possibly
rebound next year. For oil producers, it all depends on what happens to oil
prices in the coming months and how they creatively craft a plan to transition
to the world with little or no oil. If appropriate measures are not taken
quickly, some oil producers may slide into depression. But border
closures/lockdowns that dramatically affect the labour market and supply side
(as well as demand side) of the economy will only worsen the situation,
especially with little or no room for effective fiscal/monetary stimulus.
Government revenues will be severely affected.
Thousands of MSMEs
will die under the weight of formal and informal loans, bills (rents,
electricity, wages, interest, etc) that continue to accumulate under lockdowns
as well as low demand for their goods and services. Some countries are busy
“announcing” fantastic figures of helpline for the MSMEs (and much of it will
end at the announcements) but without a clear path to address the legacy burden
on the firms--- the persisting bills! Most of the owners of the MSMEs will
probably consume their business capital during the lockdowns, with no clear
helpline afterwards. The US Senate just passed a bill for $484 billion “More
Small-Business Stimulus”, including a $320 billion “Paycheck Protection
Program” to enable small businesses pay their staff salaries for two months.
This follows the exhaustion of earlier $350 billion for small businesses under
the $2.2 trillion stimulus package. The above is just an example of what
western countries from whom we copied the lockdown strategy are doing for their
MSMEs—which Africa cannot afford.
Millions of poor
farmers will be hard hit. Their perishable products that need the informal
public transport to reach the cities will be wasted; while millions that need
transport to their farms cannot do so. Agriculture in Africa is rain-fed and
seasonal. Lockdowns during the planting season could threaten food security in
months ahead. Inflation will shoot up in many African countries, and with
critical food shortages later. Manufacturing firms need imported inputs,
machinery, and spare parts. Countries under lockdowns are consuming their old
stocks. Even after lifting the lockdowns/border closure, it may take months for
normalcy to return in some countries.
Each day that any of
the major African economies stays under lockdown costs Africa billions of
dollars in lost income but with debatable benefits. Given its financial and
structural weaknesses, Africa does not have the luxury of using the same
“conventional tools” of the western countries in the face of the twin pandemic.
At the minimum, Africa needs its full population (its most important asset)
working at full throttle to have any chance of defeating the impending economic
What should Africa do?
We should think
African but act locally and opportunistically to survive and prosper, and
exploit the global opportunities offered by the crises. Every shock or pandemic
presents opportunities. Solutions need to be multidimensional, far beyond
economics and western medicine. Ad-hoc response will be a wasted opportunity.
Africa needs a package for creating sustainable prosperity in a world of
continuous techno-economic-health disruptions. Such disruptions will become the
new normal in the decades ahead, and we should better get used to that. Only
societies that anticipate and plan for such disruptions will opportunistically
exploit them, while others mourn and blame the shocks. The way we work,
socialize, meet etc will not be the same after these crises. Welcome to the
decade of rapid creative destructions!
As a first step,
African countries should urgently dismantle the border closures as well as the
stay at home/lockdown orders. Hopefully, some useful data were gathered, and
lessons learnt that will help in crafting simple, smart, and sustainable
heterodox responses. Africa cannot afford lockdowns that will prove ineffective
Opening Africa does
not mean abdication of responsibility by the governments. Governments should
lead in the mobilization, education, and possibly equipment of the people to
take personal responsibility for their safety; mainstream the African spirit of
community/collective action by mobilizing the churches, mosques and civil
society organizations to lead in the public education and mobilization; and
finally for the government to do its utmost best in providing public
healthcare. An enduring lesson of this pandemic is that African countries
must take public healthcare seriously. There will be future health pandemics
and we should better get ready today. Professionals, religious leaders, CSOs
and community leaders should be mobilized to agree on simple, smart solutions
consistent with our financial and social realities. Our western and local (herbal)
medical experts and research institutions should all be mobilized to come up
with solutions. Those with pre-existing conditions might receive special
treatment. The president of Madagascar is reported to have announced that his
country has found its own cure for Covid-19 and has ordered schools also to
reopen. The west is still on a trial-and-error mode, and why shouldn’t we
experiment as well? Africa fought and survived Ebola without lockdowns and we
can do even better this time.
Our model should be
learning-by-doing while mainstreaming basic common-sense tips such as:
mandatory wearing of masks in public, basic hygiene, disinfection of all open
markets every early morning and all places of public gatherings, practical
social distancing tips, provision of hand washing facilities in public places,
production and use of hand sanitizers, gloves, etc. For example, all
public transport vehicles—taxi, buses, trains, airplanes might require
disinfection of the vehicle before use, and for all passengers to wear masks
and with hand sanitizers. Can you imagine the thousands of jobs to be created
in producing face masks, hand sanitizers, gloves, etc for 1.3 billion people?
But this cannot happen under a lockdown. New opportunities! Everyone wants to
live, and Africans will learn and adapt quickly. Staying at home will become a
choice, not a compulsion. The slogan could be: “stay at home if you can, or
smartly go to work if you must”. We can only defeat the challenge by
confronting it, and not by playing the Ostrich only to still confront it the
day after.
Every African society
has some local herbs that, to use President Trump’s phrase, “might help”. While
the UK and others are experimenting with vaccines, you never know if an Africa
herb might be the cure. Necessity is the mother of invention, and only those
who dare, succeed! With enough education and mobilization, the infection rate
will be drastically reduced without pausing the lives of 1.3 billion people.
The real challenge is
the potential economic catastrophe that many African economies face. How policymakers
respond depends on how they interpret the shocks: as temporary or permanent
structural shifts. But howsoever they choose to see it, one thing is certain:
several more similar shocks (not necessarily in exact form) are on the
What is evident so far
is that most African policymakers (typically) think of the shocks as temporary,
and consequently seem to believe that they can just stimulate their way out of
it and wait for the next one. African multilateral financial institutions (e.g.
AfDB and Afreximbank) have announced packages to assist Africa ride over the
shocks. The World Bank and the IMF have provided quick disbursing windows for
us to borrow. African finance ministers have called for moratorium on debt
servicing, and most have applied for the cheap loans from Washington. Several
African countries have “announced” intervention funds that, at best, constitute
a drop in the ocean relative to need. The buffers and institutions for dynamic
adjustments are weak or absent. In most countries, subnational governments are
pleading for bailouts from their cash-strapped central governments. Many of
these subnational governments will soon realize that they are basically on
their own, and many could become fiscally insolvent.
After most African countries
empty all their piggy banks now, and borrow their full tranches at the Fund and
the World Bank, secured moratorium on existing debt etc, what happens with the
next disruption in a few years’ time? Or like the African musician, Oliver de
Coque sang: “let us enjoy life today, and after that we can worry about
tomorrow”? But that tomorrow is a few hours away. Because of these crises, many
African currencies (especially the oil producers) might likely depreciate
significantly. Servicing these external debts tomorrow with the exchange rate
then, would require heavy lifting. But it is difficult to see how a competitive
real effective exchange rate regime will not be a critical component of their
comprehensive strategy for diversification and global competitiveness.
Politicians with
short-term electoral cycles typically have short time horizons or suffer policy
myopia. This is not just an African problem. It is a typical problem of
multiparty democracies with short term electoral cycles and term limits. However,
extreme cases abound in some African states especially because the civil
service (that ought to ensure longer term continuity) is very weak. With eyes
on the next election, opportunistic populism wins. Rather than confront the
underlying structural dysfunction, the easiest escape is to pile up debts and
contingent liabilities. This is the circularity that has brought Africa to the
present embarrassment whereby barely some years after massive debt
cancellations/reliefs from our creditors, we are again pleading for “debt
relief”. But several future shocks are on the way. When and how can African
countries escape this circular trap? This is a short question but with a long
answer. Each country’s economic/development team should get to serious work.
For the countries that
see the shocks as signalling structural shifts (which it largely is), the focus
should be on exploiting the opportunities offered by the crises to press the
re-set button. It requires a realistic diagnosis and admission that the existing
business model has been rendered obsolete. Crafting a new business model that
encompasses the whole range of institutional, technological, structural,
macroeconomic, and even politico-governance arrangements takes time and demands
for disruptive thinking. It would require mainstreaming creative
non-debt-creating financing options and new forms of economic partnerships. But
these require longer-term perspectives and a form of inter-generational
planning. There lies the conflict versus the opportunity and points to what
separates politicians from statesmen. Politicians think of the next election,
while statesmen think of the next generation. We pray for Africa’s political
statesmen (a seeming contradictory combination—be a politician and statesman at
the same time). That is why I strongly support the re-opening of all of Africa
urgently, and let all hands get to work to help them succeed.
Prof. Charles
Chukwuma Soludo, CFR is a Nigerian economics professor and a former Governor and
chairman of the board of directors of the Central Bank of Nigeria
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