Many young Africans
desire to chart their career paths outside the continent, but for
Ghanaian entrepreneur and leadership development expert Fred Swaniker,
Africa is the best place for an African to succeed. The Silicon Valley
graduate and founder of the African Leadership Academy in South Africa
outlined three reasons why Africans studying abroad should return home
to work.
Last week I found myself back in Silicon Valley at Stanford
University where I did my MBA. I was privileged to attend a talk given
by my friend Strive Masiyiwa (one of the entrepreneurs I
admire). I encourage you to view the full talk on Strive’s facebook
page. After Strive had given his talk, a couple of the students in the
audience asked a question many Africans studying abroad almost always
ask at such events: should they stay abroad or should they go back home?
I have studied in America twice. Each time, I had to come back to work on the continent within 3 months of graduating (the first
time was for my undergraduate degree at Macalester College in Minnesota
and the second time was after my MBA at Stanford University in
California). My decision to come home as opposed to staying in the USA
ultimately came down to 3 considerations:
Reason #1: Africa is an entrepreneur’s paradise
I believe that Africa today is where China was 30 years ago.
We’re just beginning to take off. So those on the ground today will
capture all these exciting opportunities. This is especially so if you
think like an entrepreneur. You see, entrepreneurs succeed by solving
problems for society, and guess what–we have so many problems just
waiting to be solved in Africa! For this reason, I call Africa ‘an entrepreneur’s paradise’.
example, we still need to create great infrastructure. So why not be
the one to build Elon Musk’s ‘hyperloop’ and enable fast transportation
across Africa, without us having to build expensive and obsolete
highways? Or why not be the one to build low-cost housing for the 800
million people who will be moving into African cities over the next 40
years? Why not be the one to leverage technology to create low-cost
healthcare or education for the hundreds of millions of Africans who
don’t have it today? Why not take advantage of Africa’s abundant land,
sunshine, and rain to become an ‘agro-billionaire’ by growing and
exporting huge amounts of food to the world’s ballooning population? If
you have an artistic flair, why not be the one to create the African
Disney? Why not be the one to figure out how to bring consumer credit to
hundreds of millions of people–perhaps using blockchain technology? Or
become rich by creating tourism businesses that also promote the
conservation of Africa’s wildlife? The list goes on. There is SO MUCH entrepreneurial opportunity in Africa!
the US and many western countries, almost all these ideas have already
been done. So it’s very difficult to break through unless you have an
extremely creative idea. In Africa, the ideas are simple. They’re just
waiting for smart and courageous people to make them happen. With the
exception of Elon Musk, I’ve never heard of an African billionaire in the USA. Have you? No–almost
all the African billionaires we know–Strive Masiyiwa, Aliko Dangote,
Patrice Motsepe, Jim Ovia, Folorunso Alakija, Mo Ibrahim, Manu
Chandaria, etc– made their fortunes right here in Africa. Case closed.
Reason #2: You can climb the corporate ladder faster in Africa than elsewhere
businesses in Africa need 3 things: a viable product, some capital, and
talented teams. Of those three, most people think capital is in the
shortest supply. That’s not true—it’s actually fairly easy to get capital as an entrepreneur if you have the right idea.
The real shortage most businesses in Africa struggle with is finding
well-trained talent with the skills to execute. We have tremendous
skills gaps in crucial areas that will be important for Africa to stay
competitive. So if you’ve studied abroad and acquired those skills,
you’ll be a hot commodity on the continent. I experienced this firsthand
when I moved to Johannesburg after my first
degree and started working with McKinsey. I was given far greater
responsibilities than my colleagues who were working for the same
company in New York. As a result, my career took off much faster than my
peers who stayed in the USA.
Reason #3: The priceless value of respect and dignity
There is one thing I value far more than money or a successful career–and that is dignity and respect. In the USA, no matter how successful you get, you may be seen as a ‘foreigner’,
an outsider, and (especially as the world becomes increasingly racist),
even worst things. For example, before Uber came along, I had so many
experiences of taxi drivers in New York driving right past me–a
successful black man wearing a suit–to pick up the white passenger
standing just 10 feet away. The ability to live in your own continent
and not have to suffer such disrespect is something that I can’t begin
to put a value on. I love living in Africa, listening to our own music,
eating our own food, being close to family, friends, and others who
respect me for who I am not and because of my skin color. Nothing beats that.
We all have a role to play
course, while returning home was the right choice for me and many
others, it may not be right for everyone. If I haven’t convinced you
about the phenomenal opportunities that exist on the continent, all is
not lost. You can still play a role: last year, Africans abroad sent $33billion to Africa,
which typically compares to or even exceeds foreign aid sent to Africa.
This is all investment that can support businesses on the continent and
that is contributing to our development in some shape or form.
a final note, in Strive’s talk, he mentioned a program that we run
together called the Africa Business Fellowship, where we bring young
American professionals (mostly graduates from top MBA programs) to
Africa to work in African companies for about 6 months.
I recently
met with a group of ABF fellows who had just finished their 6-month
stint. The number one question on their minds was–how can I stay on the
continent? Almost all of them didn’t want to go back to America! –which
goes to show you that something special is happening on this continent. I hope many young Africans around the world will come home and be a part of it.
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