Science Reveals “The Perfect Age” To Become A Mother - AFRICAN PARLIAMENTARY NEWS



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Friday, July 13, 2018

Science Reveals “The Perfect Age” To Become A Mother

Mothers will tell you that there is no perfect time to have a baby. Whatever the planning and organization, you will never be prepared enough to face what awaits you.

But science has something different to say about the ideal age to become a mother.

The scientific community used to warn women not to become pregnant too late in life, but new evidence goes against this “conventional” thesis.

New research reveals that there are benefits to getting pregnant after age 35.

It has already been proven that having a baby after age 35 increases life expectancy, and now a new study conducted at the University of Southern California reveals that delivery after age 35 improves the mental abilities of the mother.

How did the study come to this conclusion?

The researchers performed several tests on 830 postmenopausal women. It was found that women who had their last baby after age 35 had better verbal and cognitive memory.


Researchers believe that it is linked to the rise of hormones: estrogen and progesterone, during pregnancy, which have a positive impact on chemistry and brain function, especially if the last pregnancy occurred at a later age .

However, the risks associated with having a baby after the age of 35 are still present and your doctor will need to monitor you closely if you become pregnant at this time in your life. But there are other benefits to consider as well.

For example, a woman’s mental health tends to be better than that of women who have just entered adulthood or are not yet established in their careers. Women who decide to have a baby later in life often do so by choice and are better prepared for the responsibilities of motherhood.

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