Aftermath of Supreme Court acquittal: Saraki receives ‘Heroic’ welcome in Ilorin - AFRICAN PARLIAMENTARY NEWS



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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Aftermath of Supreme Court acquittal: Saraki receives ‘Heroic’ welcome in Ilorin

Daraki on arrival at the airport

The Senate President,  Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki was on Tuesday, accorded a heroic welcome by a crowd of supporters and admirers that gathered at Ilorin International Airport to receive him to Ilorin.
The historic welcome is coming ten days after the nation’s apex Court discharged and acquitted him of allegations of false assets declaration leveled against him by the Federal Government.

Saraki acknowledges cheers from supporters
A statement by the Media Department of the President of the Senate, Saraki’s supporters waited for the arrival of their leader for about eight hours, having assembled at the airport as early as 8.00am.
Motorists and other road users had a hectic time on the Ilorin-Ogbomosho road,  as Saraki’s supporters lined both sides of the road with vehicles stretching for kilometers.
Saraki was accompanied on the flight by the Speaker of the state’s house of Assembly,  Dr.  Ali Ahmad,  Senator Rafiu Ibrahim,  former Speaker of the state Assembly and chairman House Committee on Judiciary, Barr. Razak Atunwa as well as former presidential spokesman,  Dr.  Doyin  Okupe.
While taking questions from newsmen,  Saraki described his three-year trial as tough but expressed satisfaction that his followers never doubted his innocence as he had told them on many occasions.
But he declined comment  on what he will do over pressure by some of his followers to lead them out of the All Progressives Congress (APC). He only asked newsmen not to ‘worry’ or ‘push’ him over the matter.
“As I said, don’t worry, don’t push me,   I will call at a time and I will  tell Nigerians”, he said.
On his trial and the visit he said: “It’s been a long journey  for  all my own people in the state, and today we thank the Almighty God for this. I want to thank all of them who did not at any time waver. They believe in my innocence and supported me throughout those three very tough years and it was a great feeling for all of us.
Saraki interacts with some constituents from the roof top of his SUV
“It is my first homecoming to thank them for all the support they have given me and the victory and for the fact that the truth prevailed and justice was done.  Today is a day for me to visit and more importantly thank the people for the support they have given for years.
” As I always say time will come for everything,  a time will come I will tell people where I am,  what I’m doing. For now it is just  to thank the people of the state because the last three years have been  tough and they are still  committed and remain and I have to appreciate that.  I appreciate that.”
The Senate President and his entourage drove directly from the airport to the Emir’s palace to pay a thank you visit to the Emir, Alh Ibrahim  Sulu- Gambari.
It was cheers all the way for Saraki by residents who lined the streets to show their love for their hero.

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