2019: Buhari planning to block seven Governors from seeking re-election – Ishaku - AFRICAN PARLIAMENTARY NEWS



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Friday, July 20, 2018

2019: Buhari planning to block seven Governors from seeking re-election – Ishaku

Governor Darius Ishaku
Taraba State Governor, Darius Ishaku on Thursday alleged that there is a plan by the President Muhammadu Buhari-led government to stop him and six other governors from seeking re-election in 2019.

Ishaku stated this when he hosted former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, at the State Government House in Jalingo.

“I have been told on good authority that seven of us (governors) have been enlisted to be stopped from coming back in 2019.

“That all arsenals, whether airplanes, guns and whatever means shall be used to wrestle power from us by hook or crook.

“I told them they are not God.

“It was God’s willing that I am in the saddle as governor today.

“Everyone desires that Nigeria should be one. We must continue to keep the country united,” Nation quoted the Governor as saying.

He also urged Atiku to do something about “election rigging” in the country.

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