Permanent Committees of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) are set to meet in
Midrand from 22 August to 02 September 2022. The meetings will be held under
the theme “Building
resilience in nutrition on the African continent:Accelerate the human capital,
social and economic development” which is the African Union theme for 2022.
According to the draft
program, a two-day Capacity Building Workshop for all members of the Parliament
will take place on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 August with the theme “Reviving,
Renewing, Repositioning and Reinvigorating the Pan African Parliament”.
of the Pan-African Parliament, H. E.
Senator Chief Fortune Charumbira explains that the workshop amongst other
things, “aims at engendering a clear understanding of the vision behind the
creation of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) by the founding fathers of the
African Union. It will interrogate whether the PAP is on course in fulfilling
its mandate and responding to the expectations of the African citizenry on what
the PAP should do with in the continental governance matrix. During
discussions, parliamentarians will critically analyze the achievements,
opportunities and challenges the Parliament is facing in advancing the
objectives of the Union and how it can turn the challenges into opportunities
to improve its performance”.
Wednesday, there will be a joint workshop on the AU theme for 2022 by all the
Permanent Committees.
Thereafter, the various Permanent Committees will
break into their various thematic areas. For example, the Committee on
Cooperation, International Relations and Conflicts Resolution is expected to present
an Update on the proposed
model Law on Nationality while the Committees
on Trade, Customs and Immigration Matters and Committee on Monetary and
Financial Affairs will on Friday receive a Presentation by
the AfCFTA Secretariat on the status of implementation of the African Continental
Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and the role of the Pan-African Parliament in the
achievement of its objectives on Friday.
The Committee on Audit and Public Accounts is
expected to Review the Internal Audit Reports of the Parliament while the Committee on Monetary and Financial Affairs will consider
PAP 2022 and 2023 Budgets
and review PAP Budget Execution for 2021 and Mid-year 2022 as well as PAP Financial
Statements for 2021.
On Monday
August 29, the Committees on Trade, Customs and Immigration Matters; Transport,
Communication, Energy, Science and Technology; Justice and Human Rights; Rules,
Discipline and Privileges; Health, Labour and Social Affairs; Gender, Family,
Youth and People with Disability will hold a Joint Seminar on “Addressing gaps in women and men migrant
workers’ protection in Africa through advocacy for the use of legal instruments:
the role of Pan African Parliament and the AfricanUnion Labour Migration Advisor
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