The Presentation was
done by a panel of present and past African Group of Negotiators. The
Current Chair is Ambassador Nasri of Egypt. He explained the African position
regarding the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
The African Group want
COP to consider the Africa special case and exempt Africa from meeting the 1.5
degrees Celsius mitigation target. Africa needs to exploit its natural
resources to finance health, education and other priorities. After all Africa
did not contribute to the emission of Green House Gases.
Instead it is the
developed countries who are responsible, therefore why should Africa pay the
prize? Africa is seeking for sustainable development that balances mitigation
and adaptation. Therefore Africa has special circumstances and needs.
This is not to suggest
that Africa is reneging on the Paris Agreement. Far from it. Africa is
experiencing natural catastrophes such as drought, floods hence there is
no drought that Africa has come up with its own ambitious NDC targets but not
1.5 degrees. The African group has targeted 3.5 degrees Celsius.
According to UNEP
Africa is paying between to 2% and 9% towards adaptation yet Africa only
contributes 4% of emissions. Africa needs financial resources technology
and capacity building. Seventeen percent of the world population live in
Therefore geopolitics
is at play. Africa is in a climate change conundrum that it did not
create. Africa needs to exploit its resources for socio-economic development.
This is the biggest dilemma faced by African policy makers.
The representative of
the Climate Justice Group (Mr Augustus) capped it all by saying "when
Africa demands for special dispensation it is not fairy tale but
science". Africa will remain committed to the Paris Agreement as
demonstrated ambitions and commitments but Africa also needs resources.
Hon Dr Tapiwa Mashakada is a member of the Pan
African Parliament.
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