July 30 Election: Mnangagwa Seems to Change His Mind on Giving White Farmers Title Deeds - AFRICAN PARLIAMENTARY NEWS



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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

July 30 Election: Mnangagwa Seems to Change His Mind on Giving White Farmers Title Deeds

President Emmerson Mnangagwa
Barely 2 days later, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has appeared to change his mind on giving white farmers title deeds to farms, contrary to an official state media citation of him to the effect.

The state broadcaster mouthpiece, ZBC had earlier reported of Mnangagwa that he has promised to provide tenure security to the farms. But Mnangagwa in a new statement released Sunday, appeared to have taken a totally opposite new twist on the development, and below was the full text of his address:

“White farmers on the farms although they might not necessarily own farms any more.”

 – ZBC report (Friday): In response President Mnangagwa assured the (white) farmers they will soon after elections get tenure (ownership) documents that guarantee them security on farms and warned that land invasions will now be a thing of the past.

The other day I met members of the white community at Borrowdale race course and discussed various issues. I assured the audience that we are going back into the Commonwealth as this is part of our re-engagement exercise. The negative impact of land reform was that we moved from being exporters to importers of agricultural produce. I stressed that Issues of land invasions are a thing of the past, we want the rule of law to apply. During the time of land reforms, many of us got more than 1 farm, as we go forward we want to ensure that everyone has 1 farm.

I informed the white community that the government is in the process of coming up with modalities that will ensure that Zimbabwe in the near future has its own currency. I’m happy with our policy of Re-engagement since we have been getting positive signals. Exports have increased by 23% and this will go a long way in solving the cash crisis. The, economic activities in the country should determine the rates of foreign currency. We as government have liberalised the economy, the forces of demand and supply must apply.

On the black market, the public and private sectors are both participating in black market dealings. lf we want to kill the black market we must address the economic balances (Imports and Exports).

It is necessary for us to make sure that everyone has access to better health care facilities. Together we can achieve this dream but we must do it together; it’s not the duty of government alone.

Government doesn’t have resources to fund every aspect of the human endeavour, but with aide of the private sector, things will get better. For example Zimplats contributed to the refurbishment of Kadoma Hospital.

We have noticed that top Government and Party officials have been jumping from one farm to the other. This has come to end and you have my word. A white or black farmer is a Zimbabwean farmer. We must move forward, the past is past.

We need the skills of our white farmers on the farms although they might not necessarily own farms any more. I have been mistaken for a communist because of Command Agriculture, but command agriculture is voluntary and private sector sponsored. We are also supporting the ordinary farmers, so that we ensure that all families can feed themselves and have self sustainability. This will be achieved through Presidential Import Schemes.

In between elections we must focus on wealth creation.

The economy must be our first priority. Zimbabweans in the diaspora should feel free to come back and contribute to improving the environment in Zimbabwe. I concluded by noting that as the new dispensation, we going to work together and achieve the Zimbabwe we want. The issue of other races must be treated as equal citizens and not aliens.

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