Breaking: FIFA Recognises Only Pinnick As NFF President – Infantino - AFRICAN PARLIAMENTARY NEWS



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Friday, July 13, 2018

Breaking: FIFA Recognises Only Pinnick As NFF President – Infantino

Gianni Infantino
FIFA President, Gianni Infantino, says the world football ruling body recognises only Amaju Pinnick as President of the Nigeria Football Federation.

FIFA equally said it will not accept any outside interference in the affairs of the NFF as headed by Amaju Pinnick.

Infantino, while responding to questions at a press conference in Moscow, Russia on Friday, said Pinnick was duly elected and in accordance with FIFA rules.

He said: “The situation is very clear: Pinnick was duly elected some years ago, and FIFA is aware of all this.

“It is also clear to all within the family that there can be no interference in the running of the national federations by any party, especially those outside the football family.

“So, Pinnick is the President of NFF for FIFA, because he is the one elected.”

The FIFA president added that Nigeria as a member-association of FIFA would then be at the risk of facing the world body’s sanctions if the situation continued as it is now.

The NFF has Chris Giwa as its president currently, owing to a compliance with a Supreme Court order.

Giwa had obtained a Jos, Plateau State court order to take over the running of affairs at the NFF in compliance with a Supreme Court order.

The apex court had directed all parties involved in the matter to return to the lower courts for another look at the case against NFF’s September 30, 2014 elections in Warri, Delta State, which produced Pinnick and at which Giwa was absent. He was on his way to the venue when the election was concluded, resulting in his making a -turn to Abuja

Owing to this, Giwa had insisted that his earlier election on July 24, 2014 in Abuja should stand, while Pinnick’s election in Warri took place contrary to laid-down regulations. The Federal Government of Nigeria had through the Minister of Youth and Sports Development, Solomon Dalung, ordered Pinnick out of office in enforcement of the Supreme Court ruling.
Dalung said this was based on the advice of the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami.

This came a few days after the exit of the Super Eagles from the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia.


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