Ahead of Zimbabwean Election: US Cuts Aid To Civil Action Groups - AFRICAN PARLIAMENTARY NEWS



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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Ahead of Zimbabwean Election: US Cuts Aid To Civil Action Groups

President Emmerson Mnangagwa

The United States has cut funding to three Zimbabwean civil action groups citing “possible misuse” of money ahead of July 30 elections, the first vote since Robert Mugabe was ousted.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced that it reduced its support for the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights), the Election Resource Centre (ERC) and the Counselling Services Unit (CSU).

We did have to cut some funding. We have regular safeguards and checks on how the money is used,” US embassy spokesperson David McGuire told AFP.

McGuire said USAID provided about $250m aid to Zimbabwe annually.
Okay Machisa, director of ZimRights, confirmed the cut in funds, but vowed to continue work.

It has dented our programmes, but it does not mean we are closing shop. We have other work that is supported by other partners,” Machisa told AFP.

Mnangagwa, of the ruling Zanu-PF party, is facing off against main opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, 40, from the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party, in a presidential race that has 23 candidates.

The US embassy said on Twitter that “as a result of regular internal oversight, USAID became aware of the possible misuse of US assistance funding.”

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